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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Carnell Williams: Working very hard on rehab & return Williams’ status for Orlando still murky: "Nearly nine months removed from injuring the patellar tendon in his right knee, Williams ran on his own during the Buccaneers’ second day of mandatory mini-camp at Raymond James Stadium.
Williams is now running full sprints and even full speed on the stairs that cut through the lower seating bowl at Raymond James Stadium. Bucs head coach Jon Gruden called Williams’ recovery so far “amazing” and compared his current workout routine to that of fictional boxer Rocky Balboa.
“He’s putting himself through an unbelievable workout routine and I’ve never seen anything like it,” Gruden said. “This is very important to him.”
Williams has contended all offseason that he would be ready to play in the regular season. But the next hurdle ahead is training camp. When camp starts at Walt Disney World in July, Williams will be 10 months out from an injury that some doctors considered career threatening.
There is reason for optimism. But Williams’ presence at mini-camp — while he is running, he is not participating in drills with the team — doesn’t mean he’ll be ready to don pads and a helmet in July, Gruden said.
'He's ready to go now if you ask him,” Gruden said. “He's really putting some good tape together in individual workouts. He's not allowed to be a part of the team activity at this point, but the explosive movement appears to be coming back, the change of direction, the confidence and the stamina. All those things, day after day after day, that a running back has to do are coming to him. That's"

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